Sports Law

Over the last years sports have become continuously more important. Due to the growing spectator and media interest in all kinds of competitions or leagues, professional sports are nowadays in particularly economically an important element, sports are “big business”. The wish for spectacle and new records floats the masses in the stadiums, the circuits or in front of the TV and makes investors put more and more money in the training and marketing of the athletes.

The growing importance and economic power provokes that more and more parties have most several interests in sports, which naturally leads to more and more conflicts. Therefore the area of sports law has also continuously grown over the last years. In addition to an extensive legal expertise, this law area requires concrete and specialized knowledge, given that beside the usual legal regulations, it is a multiplicity of private regimes and rules that are decisive (World Anti-Doping Code, the FIFA regulations etc.).

Schindhelm assists you in the area of sports law with recognized experts. Due the multilingualism of our staff, we can represent our clients’ interests in transboundary matters especially well.

In 14 countries to date (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey) we accompany private clients as well as national and international companies. The alliance's locations are: Ankara, Bilbao, Bodrum, Bologna, Bratislava, Brussels, Budapest, Bucharest, Denia, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Gliwice, Graz, Hanover, Imola, Istanbul, Linz, Madrid, Osnabruck, Palma de Majorca, Paris, Pilsen, Prague, Salzburg, Shanghai, Sofia, Taicang, Valencia, Vienna, Warsaw, Wels, Wroclaw.

A selection of our services:

  • Legal processing of transfers of players from or to Spain
  • Legal counsel for companies in the field of sports
  • Counsel on employment law for athletes or clubs
  • Company and assistance for associations and supporter groups at away games and other sport events in Spain
  • Legal advice on the organization of sport events in Spain
  • Negotiation and legal formulation of contracts (employment, marketing, sponsorship contracts, copyrights)
  • Litigation: legal representation both on ordinary trials and before sports courts
  • Legal counsel on doping, sanctions and controls
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Sports Law